Government Services


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Program Support


This is how our clients describe our program and project management services. We develop long-term business solutions to meet your goals on time and within budget. We find business efficiencies outside the contract scope. We measure the risk of implementing new business strategies to maximize your return. 

Each partnership is guided by an experienced Project Manager with expertise matched to your specific requirements.  These leaders are vested with decision-making authority to minimize project lag time while ensuring your program complies technically and contractually with industry standards.  Each Project Manager is supported by a team dedicated to contract satisfaction and customer success.

Capabilities (click to download statement)

  • Program Management

  • Project Management

  • Needs Assessment

  • IT Strategy and Consulting Services

  • Policy Development

  • Business Process Management

  • Business Intelligence

Network Operations


The stability of our Wide and Local Area Networks echoes the maturity of the company.  With our experience comes the expertise necessary to deliver quality, security and state-of-the-art network operations support. Our customers trust us to construct and maintain infrastructure enabling secure communication and the smooth flow of information. We support national security networks reaching US interests around the world, providing the information backbone for instructors who deliver critical training to our warfighters.

Whatever the network type, there is no room for failure or delay. In today’s wartime environment, incomplete information means missed opportunities or reduced preparation for our warriors.  Neither are acceptable.

Capabilities (click to download statement)

  • Design and Architecture (Cloud and On-Premise)

  • Server Administration (Virtual or Stand Alone)

  • Security Engineering

  • Information Assurance

  • Service Desk Operations

  • Maintenance and Support

  • Firewall and Switch Configuration

  • Disaster Recovery and Contingency Planning

  • System Integration